Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Today as with everyday...I'm Thankful for my three wonderful sons, who bring such joy to my life each and every day, to God for giving me the gift of being their mother, for family and friends, our good health and all God's blessings.

Here's wishing to all of you, that your tables are surrounded with family and friends, wonderful food shared by all, good health and happiness.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Until Later,


  1. Sons are the best to a Mom who has been blessed with them aren't they! I have two...they are my heart. Happy everything! Jennifer jennsthreegraces

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.


My door is always open & I hope you will come by often to visit, maybe have a cup of coffee or tea with me. ~Hugs, Toni~