Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Metalicious ...........

Hope all of my bloggin', junkin', thriftin' treasure huntin' friends are having a great week. I just wanted to pop in for a minute to show you some new treasures I found. I am so loving the industrial, rusty, chippy metal pieces. And so excited about my latest finds. These little beauties are going to fit into my new decor at my little farmhouse. My new decor being industrial/shabby/metal/cottage/french/farmhouse :)

I am soooooo loving my new toolbox!
(Funny story about the toolbox)
I'll share later.

How about this sweet little funnel and oil can.

Doesn't the toolbox have just the right amount of rusty love?

And my sweetest piece.......this little metal cabinet.
I believe it is an old hospital cabinet that would
be used next to the bed.

(You can barely see it to the right of this photo)
My little vintage folding clothes line.
Love it!!
Until Later,

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just Do It

Just Do It.........October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and if you haven't scheduled a mammogram for yourself........now is the time to do it! Do it for yourself, do it for your family, do it because we need to take control of our health and be on the defensive against this ugly disease. We are all so busy in our lives trying to take care of everything, our jobs, our family, our homes that we forget to take care of the most important thing which is our health.

My Mom....Helen Marie

This is how I remember her

It's a simple procedure, it doesn't hurt and you could save a life......yours. If found early it is often treatable! You're worth it! So Just Do It! Get a mammogram. I was 36 when I started my yearly mammograms, you are never too young.

14 years ago on October 28th, 1996 breast cancer took my mom. She was 67, I was 36 years old. She had been diagnosed in May of 1991, just two months after my twins were born. She went through a mastectomy, all the treatments and was given a clean bill of health.....she was in remission. Then, just when she hit her 5 year marker, she said she wasn't feeling well, she had pain in her back, it was July 1996. I urged her to make an appointment with her doctor. I will never forget that day in mid July. It was my sister's birthday when mom told us it had come back and she was terminal and was given 3 months to live. The demon was back and it was growing throughout her body, it was already in her bones. Stage 4.

All I could think was .....3 Months!!!!! That is not enough time!!! Not enough time for me to have my mom! Not enough time for her to watch my children grow! How could I possibly put a lifetime into 3 months! How could I share all the things I needed to share with my mom in 3 months. I wanted her to teach me how to make her famous homemade bread and sweet rolls, so I could make them for my children. There wasn't enough time for all the things I wanted. What I did was spend every day with my mom, letting her know how much I loved her. And almost to the day, it was only 3 months that we had left.

Please, schedule a mammogram for yourself......Just Do It!

Until Later,