| alteration for better: a change made in something in order to improve its appearance or functioning |
And that's just what I did for this sweet piece I picked up for free! A friend of mine, who happens to have the best Junk, asked my son and I if we could help her move a custom made cast iron stove for her. She needed it moved from the back of her property to the front to make it easier for the client who purchased it to pick it up. After about an hour of pushing, shoving, trying to carry this heavy piece, across a plowed field no less, we finally got it moved.
As I mentioned, she has some great junk and I can never stop by her house without leaving with something. I spied this little jewel, literally buried, and asked what she wanted for it. She said I could have it for free, for helping her move the stove.
At first I thought it was a feeder of some sort. But closer inspection told me it was part of something larger. It has a brass plate on the side with: Property of Cherry Burrell Corporation stamped into it.
I don't know about you, but I like to find out what I can about a piece, especially if I'm not sure what it is/was used for, etc.
NOTE: If you want to skip right to the pictures, it's okay. I tried to keep the history lesson short, but I don't mind if you want to skip this part :)
I Googled it and found that the company started as the J.G. Cherry Company in 1800 specializing in the manufacturing of cream cans, dairy machinery, butter churns and ice cream freezers. The company originally began with the invention by J.G Cherry of a jacketed cream can designed to withstand both heat and cold temperatures. The product proved popular and the company soon developed a variety of machinery for processing ice cream and butter including coil pasteurization and continuous ice cream freezers. During 1928 in a merger of the J.G. Cherry Company and seven other regional dairy equipment manufacturing and distribution companies, the Cherry-Burrell Company was born.
The company continued to grow developing machinery to include packaging and processing of food, beverage, brewing, candy, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical and paint. I'm not sure what part of the process equipment my little treasure is from, but I would guess that it was used to process food. There are holes in the bottom, as if what ever it held was washed/rinsed. The company is still in business and is known as Waukesha Cherry Burrell Company.

I knew what I wanted to do with this sweet little jewel as soon as I spotted her.
Nothing fancy, just functional.

I love candlelight and I am always looking for unique ways to have it.
I am also loving the industrial look in small amounts around my home.

This whole project was free, I had the pebble rocks from another project
and the candles also.
Easy Peasy and Free.
Love It.
Until Later,